Saturday 28 February 2015

Assessed Activity 2.2 - Technologies

What integrated technology was the most memorable for me and which one was a barrier to my learning - will you guess before the end of this blog?

There are so many different ways in which technology is integrated into learning some of which are listed below:

Simulators, virtual worlds (experimenting), Communication (discussions, forums, interactive whiteboards, instant messaging, Designing (graphics, CAD, Scratch/BYOB), Community Building and collaborating (Wikis, moodle, Google docs), Modelling (spreadsheets, databases), Visualising (paint, graphical information systems, digital images and Assessing (online quizzes, voting systems, Adobe Connect, electronic portfolios) to name a few.

My most memorable was using Adobe Connect. I know it was only recently but to me, being able to be at home whilst looking after a sick 3 year old and still being able to participate in the class, not missing anything stands out for me. What an experience (which will be repeated several times). Such a change from sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher talk. Not only that but I can replay the 'lesson' as it was recorded so if I did miss anything I could listen to it again.

As part of an assignment we had to build a game using BYOB (Designing) - have you tried that software.....  I just could not get to grips with it. It made me annoyed and cross and I felt useless as I just could not understand how it worked. I can not describe how I use to feel in those classes. Having failed that paper I resat it, attending night school rather than during the day. This time it was different why I don't know. Maybe it was because there were less students or maybe it was because some of what was taught previously sunk in - who knows. It still leaves a bad memory and I have not used BYOB since.

What about you? Have you had similar experiences? Do tell.

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