Saturday 28 February 2015

Reflection - A conversation with Bill Gates about the future of higher education (Young,2012)

My thoughts on this.....

In June 2012 Bill Gates had an interview regarding his vision on how higher education can be transformed through technology. It has nothing to do with him giving everybody a tablet and say there you go get on with it, it is about fixing the inefficiencies. Giving somebody technology does not mean that they know how to use it and to use it effectively. Bill Gates whats to change what is done within the class as he believes that sitting in a lecture is an 'antiquated thing'.

In some respects I feel that this is true for I did not turn up to class in the true sense of the word, I logged on and participated from home, some 45 minutes away. Did I learn, yes, did I engage with the tutor, yes, did it help, yes. Same could be said if I was in the lecture true but things are changing as you recall (ubiquitous learning) me writing in a previous blog.

As our views on how and where we learn change and technology changes our way of learning will change to reflect this. However, I can not see an end to children going to school but one wonders if a child is ill at home could they not, with all this technology, still 'attend school'

What do you think, an interesting topic for debate I think.

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